Saturday, April 28, 2007

I don't know what is wrong...

For the past few days I've been filled with anger toward my daughter, Vicky. I don't know why. I catch myself numerous times trying not to get angry at her for the many demands she makes throughout the day. Demands I normally do without any thought or emotion. Maybe I'm just tired. Tired of worrying about keeping sitters, tending to her constant needs, and not being able to sleep in till at least 8am. I don't wanna be "MOM" anymore! Ha! Fat chance...


Jenny said...

If it helps, I'm sorry. Everyone needs/deserves a break from the realities of life sometimes. There is nothing wrong with that.

SymplyAmused said...

I'm just swimming in a sea of self-pity today is all... thanks!

Brighton said...

Sometimes it's fine to just put on the party hat and throw a little confetti. I do it to : )
Chin up, it will get better.

dona said...

Everybody needs a swim now and then...go ahead, swim a while, you will feel better after. Remember there is always someone in the world who is worse off than you. It will get better. I too am sorry.