Thursday, May 22, 2008

Time to play catch up...

Let's see...
I started the new job on April 21st and tomorrow, I graduate my training!!! I will officially be a call center agent. I am somewhat nervouse because I've only taken live calls twice and never by myself yet. We are suppose to take calls tomorrow by ourselve. I'm looking forward to it (some) haha.

I finished my first class at school and received an A. My second class started this Tuesday and already had to write a paper! I have another one due next week but I think that is a team project. We have yet to know our team mates though.

I went down to the Toyota dealer today and talked to them about buying a new car. I should know tomorrow about financing. My ex is going to buy my pickup for 1250.00 which will help with any payments I may have for a few months.

Between school and work, I'm just too tuckered to do much else.

Enjoy Memorial Day weekend!!!

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