Saturday, June 18, 2016

I can tell...

It's going to be one of those "bad days." I try to keep busy to keep my mind from thinking too much but I don't always succeed. Sometimes, just sometimes, I wish my life had gone in other directions. I think about the people I've met, lost, or may meet and wonder is it all worth it to put myself out there and let the wall down. I had let it down for someone and they hurt me. So back up it goes! If you get past it, consider yourself a part of my life I rarely share, me. If you don't, you probably won't really miss it anyway. No more over-sharing or letting loose. Back to closed up little old me. It's safer that way.


Anonymous said...

you should always be yourself if they cant handle you as you are are then move on. People online tend to hide their true selves are tell all their business in a chat room and then cry when someone brings it back up . Be you dont change to make others feel better ..

dona said...

Yes, Don't change, be yourself always.