Sunday, April 01, 2018

Could not have said it better....

Written by a friend of mine:

I've lied to so many people. I'm sorry, I am a sensitive person. I let so much get to me and I just keep it bottled up inside until I can't hold it in any more and then I break. I break down like a little bitch and cry uncontrollably to the point I'm dehydrated and my sides hurt and eyes burn, but damn, a person can only take so much. I'm tired of acting like super woman, I'm tired of being super mom, I'm tired of trying to pretend all is right with my world, I'm just tired. Most of all I'm tired of life. I didn't sign up for this shit. I'm tired of being the person. I'm a strong woman don't get me wrong, but I have weak tendencies. And today is one of the days I have let it get to me. Depression is not a joke, it's not a call for attention. The shit it's real life one of the most scary thing you could ever go through. I can't put the feeling into words, but it's alot like having a gun aimed at your head, you get the fight or flight automatic reaction, so you fight and you give your all while fighting, and that doesn't work so you resort to flight, and you hide your problems and run from them, but while running you realize, you've already tried and one thing didn't work so why would another, and you just kinda give up because your damned if you do damned if you don't right? It's wanting to kill yourself but not having the strength to do it, but then your told your strong because you didn't it is literally the feeling of being alone, even though you have all that could ever make a person happy, none of it matters. And it hurts more than anything could ever hurt in a way that nothing has ever hurt before, no this isn't a cry for help, no this isn't a post directed at any one , I just needed to get a small portion of how I feel off of my chest I'm tired of faking, I'm tired of smiling in people's face all day everyday just so I can run to the bathroom and break down and cry 5 minutes later out of jealousy for their happiness. I'm just tired.

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