Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

I've been so busy lately. Trying to get all the paperwork done for school financials. I found out today that each year will cost me around $12,456 to attend. So far I am eligible for loans up to $10,500. This is not counting the possible Pell Grant I am also eligible for but have to wait at least a month for them to decide if I am going to get it. If that happens, it should be for about $4,310 which leaves me more than enough for school and some leftover. Yay me!

I am currently doing a Student Workshop at the site in hopes to prepare me for becoming familiar with online teaching and discipling myself to find the time to log on to access the site. I set up my laptop last night to share folders and my printer so I can be lazy if I want and lay in bed to work. My feet have been swelling too much lately so laying in bed is a good thing.

I'm so proud of myself for setting up my Home Network. It was easy to do and so far, no glitches.

I hope to officially start my first class on April 8th. Wish me luck!!!

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