Monday, August 06, 2007


I was suppose to call my niece this evening. I didn't.

I've been busy updating my resume and looking for local jobs online. I am taking the day off on Wednesday to go to Waco and search for a new job. My job is becoming too slow, too unsure about it's future, and I'm tired of everything in the world rising in price except my wage. I hate to leave this job because I really do like it. I pray I find one I like just as well.

Kidlet is doing good. Still staying close to Mommy and wanting me to come pick her up immediately after I get off work. As if I wouldn't..haha. School starts Aug. 27th and that is a relief to me. Reduced sitter time and money. Of course, sitter might not be too happy about it. : )

I'll keep things posted about my job hunt. I hate interviewing!!

1 comment:

dona said...

Good Luck on the job hunting.
And,thanx for info on kidlet, hope all goes well,& be sure to keep us posted. :)