Sunday, April 10, 2016

Judge not...least you be judged...

As I was cleaning house today I was thinking back to a room conversation. Well, several of them actually. In each one, someone had said something negative toward me because my opinion was different from their own. One even asked me what was wrong with me. As if, my views, were no more important than her own because I didn't agree with her. Let's get one thing straight..I am my own person. I have my own thoughts. I pay my own bills. I live my own life. If my views do not match yours, I do not judge you nor do I think less of you for them. I love a good debate. If my views turn yours so be it. If your views turn mine so be it but do not ever assume that I will change solely based on the case that I want to be "one of the crowd." I never have been and I never will be. Please, if you don't agree with me, that is fine. I will not judge you for it. Do not judge me for my views either as they are mine and only mine.

1 comment:

dona said...

Amen! You said it!